Office of the Registrar
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Organization, Regulations, and Courses 2024-25

Minor in Education

Chair of the Education Minor Steering Committee: Michele T. Tine, Associate Professor, Sociology

Professor D. J. Coch, Psychological and Brain Sciences; Associate Professor D. J. M. Kraemer, Psychological and Brain Sciences; Senior Lecturer M. Herman.

To view Education courses, click here


Students may minor in Education. Students may take Education courses singly, to fill distributive requirements or as electives, or in a set that will satisfy the requirements for the minor. Any cross-listed courses used for the Education minor require sign-up in the Education enrollment. Students who wish to have Education as the secondary part of a Modified Major may do so if the major forms a unified and coherent whole as approved by the primary department and the Registrar. All transfer courses must be approved by the Chair of the Education Minor Steering Committee.


The Education minor investigates the complex world of education through a research-based, interdisciplinary lens. EDUC 1 serves as the introductory course but is not a prerequisite for other Education courses. Courses numbered in the 10s through 40s are mid-level courses that explore broader topics, whereas courses numbered in the 50s and 60s are higher-level courses that examine more specific topics in more depth.

The minor is composed of six courses: EDUC 1 is required, along with five other EDUC courses.It is strongly recommended that minors take both mid-level and higher-level courses.

Starting with the class of 2026: Of the five other EDUC courses, at least four must be core Education courses: EDUC 13, 17, 19, 20, 27, 46, 47, 50, 52, and 64. A list of all EDUC courses, the terms and times they will be offered, and sample syllabi (if available), are on the minor website.