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Organization, Regulations, and Courses 2024-25

Studio Art

Chair: Tricia Treacy

Professors B. Garand, S. S. Park, E. M. Riley, T. Treacy; Associate Professors D. Petros, C. Sollars, Z. Toloudi; Assistant Professor A. Romero; Adjunct Assistant Professor J. K. Lee; Senior Lecturers G. D. Auten, V. C. Beahan, J. L. Caine, K. Kawiaka, J. D. Wilson; Lecturers: A. Ancliffe, J. Dannin, T. Ferrara, O. Gardner, D. Genadry, L. Mink, M. Siegle, V. Witkowski

The Department of Studio Art offers all undergraduates the opportunity to take courses in studio art. Graduate students may enroll in courses not filled by undergraduates. Requirements for the major and minor are outlined below.

To view Studio Art courses, click here



Through endowments established in 1962, artists have resided at Dartmouth throughout the year. These professionals are actively involved in the making of their art on campus. They lecture on their work in and outside of the classroom and respond to student work on an individual and group basis.

Visiting Critics

Each term professional artists lecture on their work and critique student work. These visits present a serious model of involvement within the discipline. There can be as many as three visiting critics a term. Attendance at the talks of visiting artists is required of all students enrolled in a Studio Art course.


All courses are limited in size. Pre-enrollment via computer registration is encouraged. Studio Art courses are closed when they reach full enrollment, and remain closed even if students drop. If a course is closed during pre-enrollment, students are put on a bounce/wait list, and given priority when classes begin. Students must contact their course instructor for permission to enroll. If permission is granted, students receive notification via e-mail. They must then go to Banner Student and enroll. Students not enrolled when the term begins are encouraged to attend the first class to see if a space is available.

Studio Art courses are open only to Dartmouth students who are enrolled full-time in the College. This enrollment includes special undergraduates at Dartmouth on the Twelve-College Exchange. Graduate students may enroll, if there is space in the class, and they receive the instructor’s permission. No Studio Art course may be audited.

Requirements for the Major

The Studio Art major consists of 10 courses. The Department offers courses in architecture, drawing, painting, photography, printmaking and sculpture. Drawing I is prerequisite to Painting I and to upper level drawing courses. There are no prerequisites for Drawing I, Photo I, Printmaking I, Architecture I, Sculpture I, or Special Topics.

Since class sizes are limited and enrollments are heavy, Drawing I should be completed as early as possible.

Additional requirements for the major: SART 16, SART 20, SART 25, SART 76, SART 77, one Art History course, and three of the following: SART 17, SART 21, SART 22, SART 23, SART 26, SART 27, SART 28, SART 29, SART 30, SART 31, SART 65, SART 66, SART 68, SART 71, SART 72, SART 73, SART 74, SART 75 or SART 90. Figure Drawing may substitute either for the Drawing II or Drawing III requirement for the major. Figure Sculpture may substitute either for the Sculpture II or III requirement for the major.

SART 76 and SART 77 serve as the culminating experience in the major. Students are strongly encouraged to complete at least 3 course levels in one area of focus before taking senior seminar. The Senior Seminar work will be evaluated by the Studio Art Department faculty and outside examiners. Participation in a senior exhibition is a required part of the major.

Requirements for the Minor

Seven courses in Studio Art, with SART 15, SART 16, and SART 25 required. Four additional courses, two of which must be in any one of the following six areas: architecture, drawing, painting, photography, printmaking, or sculpture.

Requirements for the Minor in Architectural Design

The Minor in Architectural Design consists of 7 courses. Required: SART 65, SART 66, SART 68 and at least one of the following: SART 16, SART 17.15, SART 76 (winter term).


Electives (3 courses total): Representation and Making Methods electives (Choose one of the following) - SART 15, SART 17.08, SART 25, SART 27, SART 29, ENGS 11, ENGS 12, ENGS 75, COSC 22, COSC 23.01, COSC 25.01, THEA 44, FILM 44.09. Structures and Engineering electives (Choose one of the following) - ENGS 2, ENGS 21, ENGS 33, ENGS 44, ENGS 89. Culture and Theory electives (Choose one of the following) - ARTH 4, ARTH 38.01, ARTH 61.71, GEOG 06, SOCY 16, ANTH 18.

Honors Program

The Honors Program consists of a two-term course of study, completed during the class context of Senior Seminar I and II. To be eligible for the Honors Program, students must have achieved the following, by the end of junior year: a 3.4 average in all Studio Art Major courses; Drawing I and Drawing II; and three terms of study in a specific area of architecture, drawing, painting, photography, printmaking, sculpture (e.g., Sculpture I, Sculpture II, and Sculpture III). By the end of senior fall term, students must: have one professor (S. Park, E. Riley, A. Romero, C. Sollars, Z. Toloudi, or T. Treacy)  who will advise them on their honors project throughout Senior Seminar; submit a typed proposal outlining their final project, along with 10 images of their work. Studio Art majors will be notified in writing of procedures for Honors. An honors thesis is required by the end of spring term. Honors, if granted, is bestowed at the end of spring term.

Transfer Credit

Transfer credit is considered for Studio Art majors with junior standing. Application for prior approval must be made by the first day of the Dartmouth term immediately preceding the first day of the intended transfer term. Prior to enrolling, discussion of the nature, content, and reason for taking the course should occur with the major advisor or Chair of the Department. The Department requires a portfolio review upon completion of the course. No more than two courses can be substituted for those required for the major.