Office of the Registrar
Campus Address
Hanover, NH
Phone: (603) 646-xxxx
Fax: (603) 646-xxxx
Email: reg@Dartmouth.EDU

Organization, Regulations, and Courses 2024-25

Tuition Charges

Tuition of twenty-two thousand forty-one dollars ($22,041) per term is charged each student for instruction, instructional facilities, and other services. Although this tuition charge covers the normal three-course load, students may, without permission or extra charge, elect a fourth course during each of four terms during their college career. After use of the four allowed four-course terms a supplementary charge of seven thousand three-hundred forty-seven dollars ($7,347) will be assessed. Students should consult the Student Handbook and the Regulations section of this Catalog for details of the regulations concerning extra courses. Students taking a two-course load receive no reduction in tuition.

The Trustees believe that all Dartmouth students should appreciate that the tuition charge covers about one half of the cost to the College of each student’s education at Dartmouth. For the remainder, he or she is the beneficiary of endowments received during the last two centuries from those who wish to support Dartmouth’s kind of education, from current gifts, and especially from the very generous support of the Dartmouth Alumni Fund.

Tuition charges listed above apply to the summer, fall, winter, and spring terms of the academic year 2024-2025. Charges for the summer term of 2025-2026 will be announced at a later date.

Students who require reduced course loads because of disability-related circumstances, as approved by Student Accessibility Services (SAS), that significantly affect the number of terms they need to be enrolled at Dartmouth to be graduated may be eligible for reduced tuition through Campus Billing. Permission from the Registrar for a reduced course load is not sufficient grounds for tuition reduction. Tuition-reduction requests to Campus Billing must be submitted after SAS approves a reduced course load. If a student who has been granted tuition reduction then takes a normal course load, the student must re-petition for reduced course load and reduced tuition in subsequent terms. Reduced tuition eligibility may also be reviewed if a student’s disability-related circumstances change significantly. For more details, please see SAS' reduced course load page. Inquiries about reduced course load due to disability should be sent to the SAS office, while inquiries about reduced tuition should be sent to Campus Billing.