Office of the Registrar
Campus Address
Hanover, NH
Phone: (603) 646-xxxx
Fax: (603) 646-xxxx
Email: reg@Dartmouth.EDU

Organization, Regulations, and Courses 2024-25

Summary of Anthropology Curriculum

The subject areas within the curriculum are outlined in the following list.
Introductory Anthropology: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 17, 20

Archaeology: 5, 8, 11, 13, 21, 22, 29, 39, 50.03, 50.05, 50.37, 50.39, 50.45, 50.47, 50.50, 75, 77

Biological Anthropology: 6, 20, 25, 38, 40, 41, 42, 43, 50.30, 50.43, 50.44, 50.46, 62, 64, 66, 70, 74, 76

Cultural Anthropology: 1, 3, 4, 7, 9, 12.01, 12.14, 12.19, 12.23, 12.24, 12.26, 14, 15, 17, 18, 26, 27, 28, 31, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37, 44, 45, 48, 49, 50.17, 50.21, 50.22, 50.25, 50.31, 50.34, 50.36, 50.38, 50.40, 50.41, 50.42, 50.43, 50.48, 50.49, 51, 52, 54, 55, 58, 60, 65, 72, 73

Culminating Seminars: 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77

Independent Study: 85, 87, 88



Culminating Seminars in Anthropology:

ANTH 72Ethnicity and Nationalism

ANTH 73Main Currents in Anthropology

ANTH 74The Human Spectrum

ANTH 75Ecology, Culture, and Environmental Change

ANTH 76The Evolution of Upright Walking

ANTH 77Origins of Inequality


ANTH 1Introduction to Anthropology

ANTH 3Introduction to Cultural Anthropology

ANTH 4Peoples and Cultures of Native North America

ANTH 5Reconstructing the Past: Introduction to Archaeology

ANTH 6Introduction to Biological Anthropology

ANTH 8The Rise and Fall of Prehistoric Civilizations

ANTH 9Language and Culture

ANTH 11Ancient Native Americans

ANTH 13Who Owns the Past?

ANTH 14Death and Dying

ANTH 17The Anthropology of Health and Illness

ANTH 20Primate Evolution and Ecology

Cultural Anthropology

ANTH 1Introduction to Anthropology

ANTH 3Introduction to Cultural Anthropology

ANTH 4Peoples and Cultures of Native North America

ANTH 7First-Year Seminars in Anthropology

ANTH 9Language and Culture

ANTH 12.14African Popular Culture

ANTH 12.19Crossing Over: Latino Roots and Transitions

ANTH 12.23Introduction to African Studies

ANTH 12.24Africa's Time? An Interdisciplinary Survey of Temporality and Power

ANTH 12.26Environmental Justice

ANTH 14Death and Dying

ANTH 15Political Anthropology

ANTH 17The Anthropology of Health and Illness

ANTH 18Research Methods in Cultural Anthropology

ANTH 26Gender and Global Health

ANTH 27Economic Anthropology in a Changing World

ANTH 28/AAAS 88.08/WGSS 42.05Ethnography of Violence

ANTH 31/WGSS 36.01Gender in Cross-Cultural Perspective

ANTH 32/ASCL 55.01Anthropology of Tibet and the Himalayas

ANTH 33The Global Caribbean

ANTH 35Maya Indians Under Mexican and Guatemalan Rule

ANTH 36/AAAS 44Contemporary Africa: Exploring Myths, Engaging Realities

ANTH 37Legacies of Conquest: Latin America

ANTH 44Language, Gender & Sexuality

ANTH 45Asian Medical Systems

ANTH 48From the Sacred to Salvation: The Place of Religion in Human Societies

ANTH 49Environment, Culture, and Sustainability

ANTH 50.17Rites of Passage: The Biology and Culture of Life's Transitions

ANTH 50.21Filmmaking and Visual Culture

ANTH 50.22Sovereignty, Race, and Rights

ANTH 50.25Law, Power & Society

ANTH 50.31Humanistic Medicine: Cultivating Compassion in Healers, Patients, and Cultures of Care

ANTH 50.34Peoples of Oceania

ANTH 50.36Anthropology and Narrative: Life History, Oral History, and the Ethnographer’s Story

ANTH 50.38Social Lives of Energy: Energy Systems and their Social Contexts

ANTH 50.40Anthropology of Disaster

ANTH 50.41Homelands and Diasporas: Russian Jews on Three Continents

ANTH 50.42Indigenous Responses to Colonialism: Maya and Maori

ANTH 50.43Social, Environmental, and Health Impacts of Human Conflict

ANTH 50.48Energy Justice

ANTH 51Colonialism and Its Legacies in Anthropological Perspective

ANTH 52Introduction to Maori Society

ANTH 54Foreign Study in Anthropology

ANTH 55Anthropology of Global Health

ANTH 58Sustainable Cities

ANTH 60Psychological Anthropology

ANTH 65Conservation and Development

ANTH 72Ethnicity and Nationalism

ANTH 73Main Currents in Anthropology

ANTH 50.49Anthropology of Museums


ANTH 5Reconstructing the Past: Introduction to Archaeology

ANTH 8The Rise and Fall of Prehistoric Civilizations

ANTH 11Ancient Native Americans

ANTH 13Who Owns the Past?

ANTH 21The Aztecs

ANTH 22Olmecs, Maya, and Toltecs: Ancient Civilizations of Mesoamerica

ANTH 29Landscape Archaeology

ANTH 39Archaeology of the Middle East

ANTH 50.03Digital Archaeology

ANTH 50.05Environmental Archaeology

ANTH 50.35The World Turned Upside Down: An Indigenous History of the Andes after the Spanish Invasion

ANTH 50.37Archaeologies of Religion

ANTH 50.39Alcohol in the Ancient World

ANTH 50.45Archaeology of Epidemics

ANTH 50.47Archaeological Field Methods: Digging Dartmouth

ANTH 50.50Archaeology of Food

ANTH 75Ecology, Culture, and Environmental Change

ANTH 77Origins of Inequality


ANTH 6Introduction to Biological Anthropology

ANTH 20Primate Evolution and Ecology

ANTH 25Primate Biomechanics

ANTH 38Human Behavioral Ecology

ANTH 40Human Functional Anatomy

ANTH 41Human Evolution

ANTH 42Medical Gross Anatomy: Scars of Human Evolution

ANTH 43Human Osteology

ANTH 50.30Human and Comparative Gross Anatomy

ANTH 50.43Social, Environmental, and Health Impacts of Human Conflict

ANTH 50.44Darwin and Human Evolution

ANTH 50.46Macroevolution

ANTH 62Health and Disease in Evolutionary Perspective

ANTH 64Evolution of Birth, Pregnancy, and Babies

ANTH 66Human Biological Variation

ANTH 70Experiencing Human Origins and Evolution

ANTH 74The Human Spectrum

ANTH 76The Evolution of Upright Walking