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Organization, Regulations, and Courses 2024-25

Music - Undergraduate

Chair: William Cheng

Professors M. A. Casey, W. Cheng, K. Dong, T. C. Levin, S. Pinkas, S. R. Swayne; Associate Professor A. R. Fure (Director, Graduate Program in Sonic Practice); Assistant Professors C. Alvarez, R. A. Beaudoin; A. Martin; Senior Lecturers R. L. Braude, L. G. Burkot, M. L. Cassidy (Assistant Conductor, Dartmouth Symphony Orchestra), J. P. Ennis, J. Halloran, E. C. Mellinger (Assistant Conductor for Choral Ensembles), R. Moseley, S. W. Nam, J. E. Polk, T. Reid, M. E. Zsoldos; Lecturers N. M. Browne, T. H. Bynum (Director, Coast Jazz Orchestra at Dartmouth), P. Chin, F. Ciabatti (Director of Orchestral and Choral Programs), S. Felix, A. R. Garapic, O. Guey, P. J. Kennelly, A. J. Lakota, B. E. Messier (Director of Bands), S. Rogers, S. Sanchez, B. Selby, T. D. Sessions, S. Sinha, J. Taitt, P. M. Webster, B. Younge; Adjunct Associate Professor H. F. Shabazz.

To view Music Undergraduate courses, click here

To view Music Graduate requirements, click here.

To view Music Graduate courses, click here.


Music Major

The Music major functions on an open course count model. Students craft a curricular plan, in close consultation with a faculty advisor, that draws on three key areas of study: 1) critical engagement with the roots and lineages of multiple music traditions, 2) creative practice with the tools and techniques that structure sounds into forms, and 3) performance via individual instruction and/or ensemble participation. This framework centers student agency, maximizes curricular flexibility, and offers major and minor pathways as vibrant and varied as the students we serve.


Students must take MUS 99 (Proseminar) plus ten additional music courses that cover critical engagement, creative practice, and performance.


Modified Major


If Music is the primary department, students must take MUS 99 (Proseminar) plus seven additional music courses that cover critical engagement, creative practice, and performance. If Music is the secondary department, students must take four music courses that cover critical engagement, creative practice, and performance. Modified majors must be approved by the Chair.


Music Minor


Students must take seven music courses that cover critical engagement, creative practice, and performance.


Honors Program

The Honors thesis requirement (MUS 88) may be fulfilled by any of the following:

1. A written Honors thesis
2. An Honors recital and supporting paper
3. An Honors creative project and supporting paper

A written Honors thesis should demonstrate a high standard of artistic, analytical, and/or research skill. A paper submitted in support of an Honors performance or an Honors creative project should be regarded as the equivalent of a term paper or artistic statement, with an analytical, historical, narrative, or interpretive focus related to the project. The student is responsible for obtaining the department’s Honors guidelines, seeking advisors, and meeting all criteria and deadlines.

To qualify for Honors, the student must have at least a 3.3 grade average in music, in addition to the college G.P.A. requirement.


Foreign Study Program

The Music Foreign Study Program (FSP) provides a unique opportunity for students to combine the study of music abroad with an intensive experience around music performance. Students will be selected by the FSP leader based on an application process. The program is designed to encourage and broaden each student’s interest in the study and creation of music.


Example Major Concentration Pathways

The course plans below approach critical engagement, creative practice, and performance from various hypothetical vantage points. They act not as roadmaps but as idea generators conveying the flexible rigor of the music major.


A jazz musician, for example, might pursue:

MUS 5  Jazz: Black Creative Music and American Culture

MUS 18.02  Hip-Hop in the United States

MUS 20 – Creative Music Theory I

MUS 32 – Improvisation

MUS 35  The Jazz Language

MUS 38 – Noise: Exploring Liberation in Sound

MUS 45.04  Music and Social Justice

MUS 50.31, 50.32, 50.33 Jazz Improvisation  

MUS 58.01, 58.02, 58.03 Percussion Individual Instruction

MUS 59.11, 59.12, 59.13 Coast Jazz Orchestra 

MUS 99 Proseminar


A DJ might pursue:

MUS 3.02  American Music: Covers, Theft, and Musical Borrowing

MUS 16.02  Music and Media in Everyday Life

MUS 18.01  Pop Music: Past, Present, Future

MUS 25  Sonic Arts I: Machine Music

MUS 26  Sonic Arts II: Sound Is Alive

MUS 28  Sonic Space and Form

MUS 35  The Jazz Language

MUS 36  Songwriting I

MUS 46  Video Games and the Meaning of Life

MUS 59.31, 59.32, 59.33 Dartmouth College Gospel Choir  

MUS 99  Proseminar


A classical instrumentalist might pursue:

MUS 11  Introduction to Opera

● MUS 20 – Creative Music Theory I

● MUS 22 – Creative Music Theory II

● MUS 23 –Timbre and Form

● MUS 32 – Improvisation

● MUS 42 – Early Classical Music (From Plato to Mozart)

● MUS 43 – Modern Classical Music (From Beethoven to Now)

MUS 45.03 – The Music of Central Asia

MUS 54.01, 54.02, 54.03 – Flute Individual Instruction

MUS 59.61, 59.62, 59.63 – Dartmouth College Wind Ensemble

MUS 99  Proseminar


A singer/songwriter might pursue:

MUS 2 The Music of Today

MUS 27.01 Emerging Musical Theater

MUS 28  Sonic Space and Form

MUS 30.02  Film Scoring

MUS 35  The Jazz Language

MUS 36  Songwriting I

MUS 37  Songwriting II

MUS 45.05  Polyphony

MUS 56.01, 56.02, 56.03 Guitar Individual Instruction

MUS 57.01, 57.02, 57.03 Voice Individual Instruction

MUS 99  Proseminar


A technologist/sound engineer might pursue:

MUS 1  Beginning Music Theory

MUS 8  Programming for Interactive Audio-Visual Art

MUS 14.01  Music, Mind, Invention

MUS 16.02 – Music and Media in Everyday Life

MUS 25 – Sonic Arts I: Machine Music

MUS 26 – Sonic Arts II: Sound is Alive

● MUS 28 – Sonic Space and Form

MUS 30.02  Film Scoring

● MUS 34 – Sound Art Practice

● MUS 59.21, 59.22, 59.23 – Dartmouth College Glee Club

MUS 99  Proseminar


A writer/scholar/journalist might pursue:

MUS 4  Global Sounds

MUS 18.02  Hip-Hop in the United States

MUS 21 – Melody and Rhythm

MUS 25 – Sonic Arts I: Machine Music

MUS 38 Noise: Exploring Liberation in Sound

MUS 42 – Early Classical Music (From Plato to Mozart)

MUS 43 – Modern Classical Music (From Beethoven to Now)

MUS 70 – (London FSP) – Perspectives in Music Performance

MUS 71 – (London FSP)  The History of Music in England

MUS 87 – (London FSP)Special Studies in Music Abroad: Piano Individual Instruction

MUS 99  Proseminar