Office of the Registrar
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Hanover, NH
Phone: (603) 646-xxxx
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Email: reg@Dartmouth.EDU

Organization, Regulations, and Courses 2024-25

ARTH 40.05 Print the Revolution: Latinx Art and Activism

This class offers beginning, intermediate, and advanced students an overview of activist print culture produced by Latinx artists from the mid-1960s to the present. We will focus on the political and aesthetic characteristics of Latinx print culture through object-based study of posters, zines, and prints associated with both community print collectives and fine art print ateliers. Class will meet frequently at the library and Hood Museum of Art to explore print materials in Dartmouth’s collections and to take advantage of Printing the Revolution! The Rise and Impact of Chicano Graphics, 1965 to Now, an exhibition at the Hood Museum of Art. Students will engage in hands-on activities at the Book Arts Workshop to produce political posters and zines of their own. In addition to asking “what is Latinx art?” and critically exploring attempts to define, represent, and market the category, we will consider Mexican and Latin American Pop Art antecedents for the aesthetics of Chicano and Puerto Rican Graphic Arts of the 1970s, the role of Queer networks, feminist and punk zines, and prints made by print collectives, including Self-Help Graphics, the Dominican York Print Collective, Justseeds, and Dignidad Rebelde, among others. In addition to the communities and themes identified here, students will have opportunities to identify themes and/or Latinx communities/histories that they want to explore through their individual and group projects and to propose acquisitions of print materials to expand Dartmouth’s collections accordingly. Finally, the class features scholarship by and opportunities to meet and learn from some of the leading Latinx scholars and artists working today. The course adheres to the principles of student-centered design. We will therefore ground our learning in the validation of personal experience, the emotional growth and ownership that comes from self-reflection, and the knowledge generated through peer-to-peer learning collectives. No prior knowledge is required for this course.


Not offered 2023-2024

Cross Listed Courses

LATS 012

Degree Requirement Attributes

Dist:ART; WCult:CI

The Timetable of Class Meetings contains the most up-to-date information about a course. It includes not only the meeting time and instructor, but also its official distributive and/or world culture designation. This information supersedes any information you may see elsewhere, to include what may appear in this ORC/Catalog or on a department/program website. Note that course attributes may change term to term therefore those in effect are those (only) during the term in which you enroll in the course.