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Organization, Regulations, and Courses 2024-25

Examples of Courses for Areas of Concentration

 Possible faculty mentors are listed in parentheses.

*Note:  BIOL 40 requires CHEM 51-52/57-58 as a prerequisite.

Behavior and Neurobiology (Calsbeek, Hill, Hoppa, Laidre, Nadell, McPeek, ter Hofstede, Witters):

BIOL 23Social Evolution: Cooperation and Construction Among Animal Architects

BIOL 27Animal Behavior

BIOL 35Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience

BIOL 37Endocrinology

BIOL 74.01Development, Plasticity and Dysfunction of the Synapse

BIOL 74.02Diseases of the Nervous System

BIOL 74.03Computational Modeling of the Nervous System

Biochemistry (Bickel, Dolph, Griffin, Lee, Schaller, Sloboda, Smith, Witters):

BIOL 37Endocrinology

BIOL 40Biochemistry

BIOL 45Molecular Biology

BIOL 46Microbiology

BIOL 63RNA: The Real Secret of Life

BIOL 66Molecular Basis of Cancer

BIOL 69Cell Signaling

BIOL 71Current Topics in Cell Biology

BIOL 78Molecular Mysteries of Human Biology

CHEM 41Biological Chemistry I

CHEM 42Biological Chemistry II

CHEM 52Organic Chemistry

CHEM 58Honors Organic Chemistry

CHEM 63Environmental Chemistry

ENGS 30/PHYS 30Biological Physics

Cell Biology (Amodeo, Bezanilla, Bickel, Dolph, Griffin, Grotz, He, Hoppa, Lee, Schaller, Sloboda, Smith, Witters):

BIOL 35Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience

BIOL 37Endocrinology

BIOL 40Biochemistry

BIOL 41Cells into Organs: Assembly, Function and Disease

BIOL 42Biology of the Immune Response

BIOL 43Developmental Biology

BIOL 45Molecular Biology

BIOL 46Microbiology

BIOL 66Molecular Basis of Cancer

BIOL 69Cell Signaling

BIOL 70Biologic Lessons of the Eye

BIOL 74.01Development, Plasticity and Dysfunction of the Synapse

BIOL 71.01Microtubule Dynamics and Motor Functions in Cell Biology

BIOL 71.02Cell Biology Across Scales

BIOL 74.02Diseases of the Nervous System

BIOL 74.03Computational Modeling of the Nervous System

BIOL 78Molecular Mysteries of Human Biology

CHEM 41Biological Chemistry I

CHEM 42Biological Chemistry II

CHEM 52Organic Chemistry

CHEM 58Honors Organic Chemistry

ENGS 30/PHYS 30Biological Physics

Development (Griffin, He, Jack, Peterson):

BIOL 24Vertebrate Zoology

BIOL 28/EARS 32Macroevolution

BIOL 40Biochemistry

BIOL 41Cells into Organs: Assembly, Function and Disease

BIOL 43Developmental Biology

BIOL 45Molecular Biology

BIOL 63RNA: The Real Secret of Life

BIOL 76Advanced Genetics

CHEM 41Biological Chemistry I

Ecology (Ayres, Calsbeek, Chen, Cottingham, Laidre, Pries, McPeek, Nadell, ter Hofstede):

BIOL 21Population Ecology

BIOL 22Methods in Ecology

BIOL 23Social Evolution: Cooperation and Construction Among Animal Architects

BIOL 25Introductory Marine Biology and Ecology

BIOL 26Global Change Biology

BIOL 27Animal Behavior

BIOL 28/EARS 32Macroevolution

BIOL 29Biostatistics

BIOL 31Physiological Ecology

BIOL 50.01Ecotoxicology and Environmental Health

BIOL 50.02Ecology of Infectious Disease

BIOL 51Advanced Population Ecology

BIOL 54Advanced Methods in Ecological Research

BIOL 55Ecological Research in the Tropics I

BIOL 56Ecological Research in the Tropics II

BIOL 57Ecological Research on Coral Reefs

BIOL 58Advanced Community Ecology

BIOL 59Advanced Biostatistics

BIOL 60.01Evolutionary Ecology

BIOL 60.02Evolution of Sex

ENVS 79/EARS 35The Soil Resource

CHEM 52Organic Chemistry

CHEM 58Honors Organic Chemistry

Evolutionary Ecology (Calsbeek, Laidre, McPeek, Nadell, ter Hofstede):

BIOL 21Population Ecology

BIOL 23Social Evolution: Cooperation and Construction Among Animal Architects

BIOL 27Animal Behavior

BIOL 28/EARS 32Macroevolution

BIOL 29Biostatistics

BIOL 31Physiological Ecology

BIOL 45Molecular Biology

BIOL 48Disease, The Environment, and Human History

BIOL 51Advanced Population Ecology

BIOL 58Advanced Community Ecology

BIOL 59Advanced Biostatistics

BIOL 60.02Evolution of Sex

BIOL 60.01Evolutionary Ecology

Genetics (Amodeo, Bezanilla, Bickel, Dolph, Griffin, Guerinot, He, Jack, Lee, McClung):

BIOL 41Cells into Organs: Assembly, Function and Disease

BIOL 43Developmental Biology

BIOL 45Molecular Biology

BIOL 66Molecular Basis of Cancer

BIOL 69Cell Signaling

BIOL 71.01Microtubule Dynamics and Motor Functions in Cell Biology

BIOL 71.02Cell Biology Across Scales

BIOL 76Advanced Genetics

Genomics, Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (Cottingham, McClung, McPeek, Zhaxybayeva):

BIOL 28/EARS 32Macroevolution

BIOL 29Biostatistics

BIOL 45Molecular Biology

BIOL 47Genomics: From Data to Analysis

BIOL 59Advanced Biostatistics

BIOL 72/QBS 130Foundations of Epidemiology I

BIOL 73/QBS 131Foundations of Epidemiology II

and appropriate Computer Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Sciences courses

Human Biology (Dolph, Hill, Hoppa, Smith, Witters):

BIOL 24Vertebrate Zoology

BIOL 37Endocrinology

BIOL 40Biochemistry

BIOL 41Cells into Organs: Assembly, Function and Disease

BIOL 42Biology of the Immune Response

BIOL 45Molecular Biology

BIOL 46Microbiology

BIOL 48Disease, The Environment, and Human History

BIOL 66Molecular Basis of Cancer

BIOL 69Cell Signaling

BIOL 70Biologic Lessons of the Eye

BIOL 71.01Microtubule Dynamics and Motor Functions in Cell Biology

BIOL 71.02Cell Biology Across Scales

BIOL 74.01Development, Plasticity and Dysfunction of the Synapse

BIOL 74.02Diseases of the Nervous System

BIOL 74.03Computational Modeling of the Nervous System

BIOL 78Molecular Mysteries of Human Biology

CHEM 41Biological Chemistry I

CHEM 52Organic Chemistry

CHEM 58Honors Organic Chemistry

Molecular Ecology (Calsbeek, McPeek, Nadell):

BIOL 21Population Ecology

BIOL 31Physiological Ecology

BIOL 40Biochemistry

BIOL 45Molecular Biology

BIOL 48Disease, The Environment, and Human History

BIOL 51Advanced Population Ecology

BIOL 58Advanced Community Ecology

BIOL 60.01Evolutionary Ecology

BIOL 60.02Evolution of Sex

CHEM 41Biological Chemistry I

Molecular Evolution (McPeek, Peterson, Zhaxybayeva):

BIOL 28/EARS 32Macroevolution

BIOL 40Biochemistry

BIOL 45Molecular Biology

BIOL 47Genomics: From Data to Analysis

CHEM 41Biological Chemistry I

Paleobiology (Peterson):

BIOL 24Vertebrate Zoology

BIOL 28/EARS 32Macroevolution

BIOL 63RNA: The Real Secret of Life

EARS 32/BIOL 28Macroevolution

EARS 40Materials of the Earth

EARS 45Field Methods: Techniques of Structural and Stratigraphic Analysis

EARS 46Field Methods: Environmental Monitoring

EARS 47Field Methods: Resource and Earth Hazards Assessment

Physiology and Organismal Biology (Ayres, Calsbeek, Hill, Hoppa, McPeek, ter Hofstede, Witters):

BIOL 24Vertebrate Zoology

BIOL 31Physiological Ecology

BIOL 35Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience

BIOL 37Endocrinology

BIOL 41Cells into Organs: Assembly, Function and Disease

BIOL 42Biology of the Immune Response

BIOL 60.02Evolution of Sex

BIOL 74.01Development, Plasticity and Dysfunction of the Synapse

BIOL 74.02Diseases of the Nervous System

BIOL 78Molecular Mysteries of Human Biology

CHEM 52Organic Chemistry

CHEM 58Honors Organic Chemistry

Plant Biology (Ayres, Bezanilla, Guerinot, Jack, McClung, Schaller):

BIOL 21Population Ecology

BIOL 22Methods in Ecology

BIOL 31Physiological Ecology

BIOL 51Advanced Population Ecology

BIOL 55Ecological Research in the Tropics I

BIOL 56Ecological Research in the Tropics II

BIOL 57Ecological Research on Coral Reefs

BIOL 58Advanced Community Ecology

CHEM 52Organic Chemistry

CHEM 58Honors Organic Chemistry